It has been a long time since I posted. I can only apologise for that. I have had a lot going on, I’ve been really busy, and I needed to do some soul searching.

Since I last posted, I became a student studying BSc Hons Natural Sciences through The Open University, and I absolutely love it, although it isn’t without its difficulties. I hope to one day become a Marine Biologist, or at least that is the dream.

Also, while I was gone, I saw the comeback of Shenmue III. I really can’t wait for this release. I have played through the first 2 about 10 times! Bear in mind that my other half introduced me to Shenmue. Also, I finally got to see the release of The Last Guardian (I am a big fan of the Ico series).

Anyway, I will be posting an article very soon… I’m glad to be back!