Category: random

It has been a long time since I posted. I can only apologise for that. I have had a lot going on, I’ve been really busy, and I needed to do some soul searching.

Since I last posted, I became a student studying BSc Hons Natural Sciences through The Open University, and I absolutely love it, although it isn’t without its difficulties. I hope to one day become a Marine Biologist, or at least that is the dream.

Also, while I was gone, I saw the comeback of Shenmue III. I really can’t wait for this release. I have played through the first 2 about 10 times! Bear in mind that my other half introduced me to Shenmue. Also, I finally got to see the release of The Last Guardian (I am a big fan of the Ico series).

Anyway, I will be posting an article very soon… I’m glad to be back!


Hi all

This is just a quick post to introduce mine and my partners YouTube channel. Please like,subscribe and spread the word. We will be posting all kinds of different things on there so keep an eye out. Please keep in mind that we are still in the process of introducing ourselves so there are only a few videos up for now.


Thank you